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History CD-Rom Titles: (Call for details!)

  1. 1848 Revolution
  2. 20th Century World History
  3. America: Revolution
  4. America: The Road To Independence
  5. Ancient Egypt & The Middle East
  6. Ancient Greece
  7. Causes Of World War Ii
  8. Chronicle Encyclopedia Of History
  9. Cradle Of Civilization
  10. Discover History
  11. Era Of Second World War
  12. Events That Changed The World
  13. Exploration
  14. Famous Faces From History
  15. First World War & Its Consequences
  16. French Revolution & Napoleonic Era
  17. George Washington: First Of Men
  18. Geosafari History
  19. Graveyard Study
  20. Ideas That Changed The World
  21. Industrial Revolution
  22. Leonardo Da Vinci
  23. Marks: Faces Of The Pacific
  24. Medieval Realms: Britain 1066 To 1500
  25. Mission: Pharaoh’s Challenge, The
  26. Mission: Roman Challenge, The
  27. Multimedia World History
  28. My First Amazing History Explorer
  29. Roman Empire
  30. Rome
  31. Silk Road
  32. Starsites
  33. Story Of Civilization
  34. Trouble Century
  35. Twentieth Century World
  36. Twentieth-Century Nationalism
  37. U.S. History & Government
  38. Up To The Himalayas
  39. Victorian Britain
  40. Voyage In Greece
  41. World War I
  42. World War II
  43. World War II - Global Conflict
  44. World War II - Sources & Analysis
  45. 中國香港歷史大百科
  46. 中國香港歷史大百科
  47. 香港歷史 1842 - 1997

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