The E-train (eye-transfer) frame is a low-tech communication aid for people who have difficulty with speech.
How does it work?
The frame is held by the communication partner and 18" in front of the user's face at eye level. The user looks at the place where the letter they wish to communicate is positioned and then to the corresponding colour disc of that letter. The communication partner confirms each letter. If appropriate they can preempt the word the user is building up.
Who can use it?
Anyone who is able to move their eyes intentionally and has basic spelling skills, (for example individuals with MND or MS). A consistent yes/no response does need to be established between the user and the communication partner, so choices can be confirmed.
Where can it be used?
Anywhere ! One advantage of the E-tran Frame is that it is lightweight and portable and can be used in places where other communication aids may not be applicable - for example, in the bath. It can be used in addition to other methods of AAC the user may have and is particularly helpful at times when the user is too tired to use more high-tech methods.