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Hummingbird Pro
(Jump-Level Scanning AAC)

*( Pictures displayed here are conceptual image only )

Intended use:

This device serves uniqueness in ways of scanning and selecting messages; with the aid of LED and sound prompt makes the scanning procedures much easier for users with different disabilities. This device is suitable for patients with disabilities such as: speech impairment, hearing and visual impairment, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, aphasia, stroke patients, respiratory care; the device assists these patients in the way of improving their life qualities, employment opportunities, self learning and most importantly, the ability to communicate with others.


This device adopts the speech recording and micro-controller technoloy to assist speech impaired patients in achieving goals in communication, learning, employment and treatments. Device features include:

  1. This device combines three pages, each page composes of 12 messages, in a total of 36 messages, the total recording length is 8 minutes, each messages gets to record 13 seconds. Digital recording instantaneously records and plays voice messages. Recorded messages remain even if the battery runs out.
  2. Page selection can be done by external switches; depending on users’ need, device supports different modes of scanning, including one or two switch scan and page/message scan.
  3. Different pages can be differentiated by different colors that appear on the overlay and LED display patterns and locations to indicate current page level message locations.
  4. Page scanning interval can be adjusted from 1 ~ 3 seconds to suit physically disabled people while scanning messages at the most comfortable rate.
  5. User may manually change the page by sliding the switch from the side.
  6. LED indications, audio prompt, scanning rate design, are suitable for patients with different disabilities.

Operation Modes:

  1. Conventional Mode: Conventional way of sliding the side switch for changing page levels and press membrane switch for selecting messages. (12 messages in one page)
  2. Single switch mode one: Single switch to select appropriate page and pressing membrane switch for selecting messages. (36 messages in total)
  3. Single switch mode two: Single switch to select desired page levels, and pressing the same switch to select scanned messages in the page.
  4. Two switch mode: Two switch scan mode, one switch is for page selection and the other switch is for message selection. (36 messages).

Product Specification:

  • Size: 195mm x 134mm x 26mm
  • Weight: 0.39kg
  • Recording: Digitized recording
  • Record Settings: 12 messages per page
  • No. of Pages: 3
  • Recording Time: 8 minutes
  • Power Supply: 2 AA batteries
  • Scanning Mode: Light (visual) and sound (aural) simultaneously

*Switches not included







  • 本機含三層頁面,每層頁面12個訊息,共36個訊息,錄音總長度共8分鐘,每一格錄音長度13秒。且為數據化錄音,隨洗隨錄,所錄內容不因電源用盡而消失,此外另有音量調整及弱電顯示功能。
  • 本機跳脫以往傳統手動換層換頁技術,突破性運用特殊開關,達到跳層、跳頁(將三層訊息集中於一頁)目的,同時依使用者障礙類別及需要程度,提供單鍵、雙鍵跳層跳格掃描,不必手動換層換頁,就可選擇36 個語音訊息。
  • 使用者目前所在層數以及格數,均以LED燈光顯示並配合聲音提示。
  • 掃描速度秒數可以自行選擇控制(1秒、1.5秒、2秒、3秒)。
  • 如果使用者選擇使用傳統手動按壓方式,本機仍然保留此項功能給需要者使用。
  • 本機之特殊開關功能,LED燈光顯示,和聲音提示,以及掃描速度等設計,適合各種障礙類別(肢障、視障、語障、聽障等)選擇使用。


  1. 以傳統手動按壓觸摸面版方式溝通:須手動撥動更換頁層開關,並須手動抽換三層版面(每頁12個訊息)
  2. 單鍵跳層手動觸摸面版:按壓單鍵特殊開關更換頁層,再以手動按壓觸摸面版方式溝通(36個訊息)
  3. 單鍵跳層跳格掃描:按壓單鍵特殊開關選擇所需頁層,再按壓該特殊開關以跳格掃描方式溝通(36個訊息)
  4. 雙鍵跳層跳格掃描:按壓一特殊開關選擇所需頁層,再按壓另一特殊開關以跳格掃描方式溝通(36個訊息)


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