Parenting Stress Index, Fourth Edition Short Form (PSI-4-SF) Richard R. Abidin, EdD
Purpose: Quickly identify parent-child problem areas
Age range: 1 to 12 years
Admin: Individual; Self-report
Admin time: 10 minutes
Scoring time: 2 minutes
The PSI-4-SF is an abbreviated version of the full-length PSI-4.
Thirty-six items are broken into three domains: Parental Distress (PD), Parent-Child Dysfunctional Interaction (P-CDI), and Difficult Child (DC), which combine to form a Total Stress scale.
One simple form contains all you need for administering the measure and for scoring and profiling results.
The PSI-4-SF's brevity allows primary health care providers to identify and target those families most in need of follow-up services. It is also ideal for use in schools, mental health clinics, and research.
Empirical validity has been shown to exist in studies that focused on parenting of Head Start children, medication adherence, and cognitive development of infants.
PSI-4 Short Form Kit includes PSI-4 Professional Manual and 25 Short Form Record/Profile Forms