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Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Fifth Edition (PPVT-5)

A measure of receptive vocabulary for Standard American English

  • Ages / Grades: 2:6 - 90+ years
  • Administration Format: Paper-and-pencil or digital (Q-interactive)
  • Administration Time: 10 - 15 minutes
  • Scoring Options: Web-based scoring (Q-global), hand-scoring
  • Scores / Interpretation: Age-based standard scores (M = 100, SD = 15), percentiles, normal curve equivalents (NCEs), stanines, age equivalents, and Growth Scale Value (GSV)
  • Qualification Level:  B

Five Reasons to Choose PPVT-5:

  1. Flexible options, digital or paper—with Q-global and/or Q-interactive
  2. Qualitative Analyses—five ways to help you make hypotheses about vocabulary performance
  3. Strong reliability and validity
  4. Growth Scale Values (GSVs)—an objective score for measuring changes in performance over time
  5. "What's Next?" PPVT-5 helps you link directly from assessment to intervention.

And even more, consider using PPVT-5 with EVT-3, its co-normed companion test for expressive vocabulary, and The Bridge of Vocabulary 2 for your intervention.

Uses & Applications:

  • Measure receptive vocabulary acquisition
  • Monitor progress of receptive vocabulary acquisition using two parallel forms or the Growth Scale Value (GSV)
  • Contribute useful information when assessing receptive vocabulary, as part of a language evaluation, across the lifespan
  • Contribute useful information when screening or assessing strengths and weaknesses in the specific domain of semantics (i.e., word knowledge) and general area of language development
  • Directly compare receptive and expressive vocabulary when you also administer the EVT-3
  • Move immediately into evidence-based interventions using those embedded directly into and linked into the Q-global system

How Can I Buy PPVT-5?

PPVT-5 will be sold in paper/pencil and digital formats. Digital formats include:

  • Digital administration and scoring via the Q-interactive system
  • Digital scoring and reporting via the Q-global system
  • Digital stimulus books and manuals via the Q-global system


Q-interactive is Pearson's web- and iPad®-based system for interactive, seamless assessment, scoring, and reporting. With Q-interactive, you may administer interactive assessments with an intuitive, portable system employing two iPads connected by Bluetooth. The examinee views test stimuli on one iPad; you use the other iPad to access test administration directions and verbal stimuli, control visual stimuli, and record and score responses.

Customers already using Q-interactive for PPVT-4 receive access to PPVT-5 automatically!


Q-global is Pearson's web-based system for accessing digital resources for assessment, scoring, and reporting. PPVT-5 will have digital stimulus books and a digital manual available for purchase (scoring is purchased separately). You have the option to purchase an unlimited-use scoring subscription for one year, or individual score reports (quantity discounts are available).
 *Scoring subscriptions are sold on a per-user basis


Main Research Goals for PPVT-5:

  • Maintain the basic format of the PPVT–4 (e.g., two parallel forms, selection of stimulus word from four-picture layout)
  • Update normative data
  • Refine the digital applications that will maintain the basic qualities of the PPVT–4 (e.g., ease of administration and response capture, brief administration
  •  time, accurate scoring)
  • Refine items (for Form A and Form B) so that stimulus words and picture stimuli may be applied to differing cultures within Canada in the current day
  • Simplify administration process to save timeInclude item analyses that provide assessment to intervention connections



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