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Character Within VHS or DVD series


If you see one or more of the following…

  • A decline in respect from students for authority in the school
  • A high incidence of students who lack the responsibility for turning in homework and completion of assignments
  • A significant and/or increasing percentage of students who do not attend classes and/or are tardy for class
  • A need for students to take responsibility for their own actions and their education
  • A continuous onslaught of students who harass each other in the hallways and fight amongst peer groups
  • The rising amount of students who cheat, lie and steal
  • A lack of respect for the school grounds as seen in the destruction of property, vandalism and trash accumulation
  • Increased anxiety levels of students who fear for their safety while on the school campus and the real possibility of violence

… a character education program is needed!

This powerful new teen anthology series features dramas that, above all, entertain while, at the same time address issues such as peer pressure, non-violence, school shootings, racism and other compelling topics. Strong plots, recognizable casts, and powerful performances make this an excellent production that adds value to ANY youth character education program. Targeted for middle and high school age groups, each episode challenges young people to discuss issues facing them in their daily lives and explore the character traits needed for success in our demanding world.

Individual Episodes consist of:

The Secret of the Horse TRT: 22:40

Sometimes there are things worth NOT fighting for. When a football jock taunts Victor Tran, Victor retaliates and is in trouble even before school begins. He is the only Vietnamese in his school. If dismissed from the school, it will affect the future of his entire family. Victor learns the true purpose of martial arts, the secret of the “horse stance” and what it means to give up something for the well being of another.

The Eggplant Lady TRT: 21:52

A teenager’s crisis… a grandmother’s secret recipe. When 16 year old Jamie must move to another neighborhood and believes her life is over, her grandmother becomes her closest ally.

Taylor ’s Wall TRT: 26:44

A girl’s despair… a teacher’s challenge. Taylor wonders why her brother had to die. Her world no longer makes sense. As she rebels against the system and is almost suspended from school, a teacher steps in and becomes her only hope. Taylor decides to make a difference by finding a creative outlet for her pain, involving others and picking up the challenge her brother left behind.

Haunted Heart TRT: 27:10

David is miserable and can no longer tolerate his life at home with an alcoholic father. His schoolwork in suffering and his behavior is out of control. One of his teachers presents him with an opportunity to change his life. David accepts but rebels against his teacher’s tough tactics winding up in more trouble. Yet his teacher offers him an unforgettable lesson in forgiveness that challenges him in other areas of his life as well.


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